Jingmai Huang Pian (Jingmai Yellow Leaf)

Loose Leaf Sheng Puer 2007

A dark yet mild sheng puer made from large huang pian leaves harvested in Jingmai nearly two decades ago. With age, it has developed a mellow, woody sweetness.

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $21.60.

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Tea Origin
Jingmai Mountain, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, China

Tea Bush
Yunnan Dayezhong (Yunnan Large Leaf Heirloom Tea Tree)

Tea Maker
Gong Liping and Ran Yijun

Harvest Time
Early April

Plucking Standard
Huang pian (4th or 5th leaf)

This 2007 Jingmai sheng puer from mature huang pian leaves has a pronounced aged flavor and the woody sweetness of jujube dates. It’s somewhat reminiscent of  large-leaf shu puer in that regard, but still offers enough lively herbal notes that you won’t mistake this tea for anything else but aged sheng. It delivers a brew that remains mellow even when pushed in a gaiwan or teapot, or simmered over heat.

Huang pian tea tends to be milder and less astringent in flavor and is naturally lower in caffeine than regular sheng puer. It’s popular to boil these large, leathery leaves to extract the most flavor.

What is Huang Pian Tea?

During the sheng puer harvest, each sprig of tea plucked usually has 4 to 5 young leaves. Huang pian (lit. “yellow piece” or “yellow flake”) is the term used for the largest, slightly older leaf on the bottom of the stem. This older leaf is a little too firm to properly twist up on itself during the kneading part of processing sheng puer. Instead of curling up into a dark twisted rope, huang pian leaves remain more flat and retain a lighter yellowish color, hence the name.

Huang pian are often sorted out from the bulk of the finished sheng puer maocha and sold on their own, making it possible to get good spring sheng puer from high-quality origins at a much more affordable price.

Jingmai Huang Pian (Jingmai Yellow Leaf) brewing guidelines

5 grams (2 Tb) tea

12 oz 100°C (212ºF) water

3 min. first infusion

At least 4 infusions: 3, 3, 5, 8 minutes